
Use Them Or Lose Them?

I am noticing that many individuals in all kinds of relationships operate a certain way once a relationship they were involved in is over. Instead of them ending that relationship and moving on, they keep them around to serve selfish purposes. Usually those purposes are that of money, sex and or whatever personal gains the user can accomplish. This behavior is exhibited in the termination of every kind of relationship from friendships,family relationships and romantic relationships as well. I think its a terrible reality that we live in and more people need to become aware of this behavior and treatment.
More importantly I believe that each of us know when a relationship we are in needs to and should come to an end. I am not a believer in the idea that every relationship can survive any and everything. I think that some people were made to be together and some people may have had their time together and when that time comes to an end you have to move on. People don't realize anything you get from another you can and should be giving to yourself. Why sacrifice your happiness to use another person?

If you ask me, whether or not you should lose them or use them I'll always say lose them. Not because it's what I do but because we should not be using people for anything. In my opinion if you are a USER then you are a total LOSER and I hope the person you are using realizes it and loses you be it a lover, relative orafriend.  

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