
Stop Exaggerating!

Oh my goodness, how some folks just EXAGGERATE. They make things out to be bigger and more than what they truly are. I don't know what is the benefit they get from exaggerating but too many people do it obsessively. In the mind of an exaggerator everything is grandiose and when they reflect on an event it is usually made out to be bigger than it truly is. If they simply tripped and stumbled they'll walk around saying they fell even though their body never hit the ground. 
If you project your voice while speaking to them they will say you were hollering and screaming. If you accidentally bumped into them, even when you apologize and explain it was an accident they will still tell people you pushed them. When they get money, it could be ten dollars they run around telling people they got two-hundred dollars.
It is amazingly interesting to hear the stories of an exaggerator. Their stories are even better when the exaggerator is exaggerating in front of a party their story involves and the person starts interjecting saying "that didn't happen." and "what are you saying?"
The exaggerator always has the same response. They typically chime in with "Yes it did" or (my favorite response) "Well, not EXACTLY, but that's what happened."
The bad thing is that most of these exaggerators don't believe or feel they are doing anything wrong. When in fact they are because exagerating is a form of lying. 
If you are an exaggerator you should try to be conscious of this behavior because to some people you will come of as a liar opposed to someone who has a unique perception of things that occur.

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