
The Guilt Gift

Guilt gifts are a unique display of ones guilt. Guilt gifts are often presented to the receiver shortly after a feud, misunderstanding or wrong doing. Some guilt gifts are given even when the receiver is unaware that they have even been wronged by the guilty person.

The sad thing is guilt gifts are given as a token of sorrow brought on by guilt. The guilty person never verbally communicates that they are sorry even though they truly maybe. More importantly people who give guilt gifts are superficial people. Some of them typically feel better when they have given their guilty token to the party they have wronged. What they fail to realize is that if the receiver is not a superficial person they will see right through these tokens of guilt, won't accept them or if they do accept them they will just be reminded of the situation every time they see or use the gift. More so they don't feel the apology and will continue to act and display the same behavior as they did prior to receiving the guilt gift.

The next time you give some one a guilt gift make sure they are just as superficial as you are; better yet just apologize and hope that they can find it in their heart to forgive you.

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