
NYC Schools Are Back in Session!

After hurricane Sandy hit schools were closed for an entire week in New York City. All the school age kids were loving it and for the most part are glad to be in school today especially because schools will be closed tomorrow for election day.

It is good to see that schools were closed but at the same time I am sure NYC schools were closed primarily because the majority of our teachers are from outside of NY and felt the worse part of the storm; of course certain parts of NYC, like Queens and Brooklyn felt it as well, but what about places that didn't?

With the "zone school" rule most elementary and middle school students live with in walking distance from their school so transportation was not preventing them from getting there. I'd also like to highlight that city buses were running.

I think it's interesting that in order to work for the New York City's Police Department you have to reside somewhere in New York but this rule does not apply for teachers. There should be a zone rule for teachers. Maybe more ditricts and counties should consider ensuring that the bulk of the teachers highered reside in the same city or county of the school they work at. In my opinion, teachers being available to educate our children is just as important as the protection of our city.


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