
Election Day!

Yup, it's that time of year where people head to the poles to vote. I head out at the crack of dawn at  6:10AM to be exact. I like to go vote before the poles get crowded.

People are often afraid to admit what they voted; I don't know why. I can see if you are a big public icon then you may lose supporters or sales. I could see why they may not and should not disclose their political view point.

Personally, I am not there yet and have no issue disclosing. I VOTED OBAMA today! Yes, I said it and I'll tell you why.

I've noticed Romney likes to insult people; anyone who is not rich or republican. I also have a strong inclination that despite his apologies and the support of Chris Christie I know that the working middle class and poor families will suffer at Romney's hand and be neglected. We cannot have that happen especially with the damages the poor and working class families are going through because of hurricane Sandy.

Romney has a onesided view and will favor rich Americans. I don't feel that he, a billionaire will be good in office nor will he be able to understand the needs of working people alike. Despite Romney's insults against the poor and working families he has insulted foreign leaders. I fear his loose mouth and insulting behavior will end us in war again, which I am highly against; our troops just came home!

I must add  that I saw the debates and OBAMA has won me over officially. I am happy with his performance as a president and a debater. Even though he has not overturned the countries situation 100% he HAS made improvements. He has pushed for things he said in his '08 campaign like health insurance, bringing the troops home and such. OBAMA is honest and has done his best. I trust OBAMA and his good judgement. I feel it is unfair that people expect him to change circumstances in 4 years when it took Bush 8 years to damage. I think it should be highlighted that before Bush came into office our countries finances were slipping. So technically it took more than 8 years to damage the econimical status of the country and I'd gamble that it will take double that to repair. I'd vote for OBAMA a 3rd time if I could.

 I'm sure OBAMA has won already simply because the working and poor families outweigh the rich enormously. Every vote counts be sure to make yours today!

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