
Mind Control

Most people don't believe in mind control.... Interestingly enough I don't think mind control is something to be believed in but something that happens on many levels. It's brainwashing and it can be done and is done on a daily basis to people across the world.

I think the biggest victims of being brainwashed are children; specifically those who are taken away from their parents early on in life. Early settlers of the Americas (Europeans) would remove children from the parents (Native Americans) being conquered in attempt to remove all cultural identity of their children. This made it easier to have a group of people with no identity other than the one these conquerers gave to them. African slaves were removed from their home and beaten to learn new ideas, concepts and religions. If the Africans made an attempt to retain anything from their home land they were horrically killed; this was brainwashing through torture.

In the modern day world similiar techniques are used to create child soldiers in various parts of the world. Prisoners of war are often brainwashed as well. In general population people are kidnapped and not allowed to have any social contact with anyone they know or the rest of the world; only the brainwasher.

The majority of the American population is strongly brainwashed by the media where things like beauty, good hair, and sexual habits are concerned. The media uses various platforms from television, radio and magazines to portray images and send messages that influence, manipulate and conforms the public mind into believing, thinking and behaving a certain way even if it is not culturally or socially accepted. Children are constantly encouraged to buy and want toys. Women are encouraged to by beauty products, weight loss products and they are constantly shown images of what is considered beautiful even though the vast majority of the country does not reflect what is shown on television or in magazines. Men are encouraged to be muscular and short men are inadequate because the media's concept sold to the world around them is that the ideal man is tall, dark and handsome.

Again I state, mind control happens every single day and it is not something to believe in but a technique applied through various forms to influence one to behaving and thinking in a particualr way; a way that doesn't match their religious, social or cultural identity.


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