

I've decided to write this particular article on this blog to help people understand me my querks and more importantly one of my defense mechanisms that makes me seem anti-social.

Many people know me as Dolo (Alone). I spend most of my time alone, I don't keep many friends and in most of my romantic relationships I feel pretty much alone. Now that you have an idea of what the word dolo is and why some people know me as such, I have to explain to you what I mean by Dolo-ism.

It's no crazy religion but more like a way of life. Most of the time people never question the why's behind a persons given nature, behavior or actions. People like to assume and 80 percent of the time they believe their assumptions to be true. People believe me to be Dolo because I'm stuck up, snotty, snobish, conceited or that I have an attitude problem. A few people think I'm Dolo because I'm horrifically damaged by the men I've dealt with and they think my Dolo-ism is what it is because of my past relationships.

Well I'd like to tell you Dolo-ism and my being Dolo doesn't solely stem from my interactiions with the opposite sex. It stems from my interactions with all people and the fact that I've never been a "clique" or "crew" kind of person. More so I actually enjoy the peace of mind and focus being alone gives me.
Dolo Forlife
If I had to simply sum up Dolo-ism outside of one being alone, I would say it's a way of life that leads to focus, inner strength, wisdom and a high level of self awareness. It's a way of life that allows one to focus on their stregths and their own weaknesses so much so that they don't have time to judge others with out first reflecting on how easily they could very well be in that persons shoes. Dolo-ism doesn't lead to isolation, but the opposite. In the art of dolo-ism one can explore as many different people, cultures and even religions as us dolians (a person practicing Dolo-ism) are not limited or confined to a group, crew or clique because we don't have one. We are not slaves to others thoughts, labels and negative energy as we simply are too in tune with our innerselves to allow outside energy to impact ourselves. This freedom allows us to interact with who-so-ever we choose.

Dolo-ism can be a great thing if you let it.


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