
Labels: Just Another Way To Judge People

Often times we find ourselves facing the famous questions:
 Who are you? Where are you from? What are you into? These questions are asked in an attempt to classify or label you as a person.

Some people want to know your ethnicity, religous or spiritual identity. Others want to know your upbringing and will ask about your family and childhood. They'll ask if you were raised in America, a church, city or suburb just to see where you fit on the scope of their labels.

Some labels commonly used are racial labels like white, black and so forth. This is to identify and classify you into a category and eventually seperate or even hate you the minute you are labeled as something they don't agree with.

 Most Christians seem to like labeling people as other Christians, sinners, misguided souls or saints and all of these labels result in different treatments the person being labeled receives. This is also why many people stray from the church. No one likes to be labeled or judged.

With the terrorist crisis people are quick to judge every muslim and label them aas a terrorist and this is terrible. You can not generalize a whole group of people based on the acts of a few with in that group.

Some people like to classify people based on their age, sex and location. Sometimes these things are used to identify maturity and attitude.

Some people try to classify you through the way you speak. If you have an accent your immediatley a foreigner and not someone who was raised in America by a person with an accent. If you speak "ebonics" you're ghetto or worse you're trying to be black.

If there isn't a religous or racial label then people want to know your sexual orientation.

 The problem is that people are still afraid of things and people they don't know. They readily look for a way to label eachother to find a comfort zone and the  minute you are labeled as something they don't like or agree with thats when the judgement calls are made.The worse part about labeling people is that once you label a person you don't give them a fair chance no matter how great or good a person can be.

If we are able to remove these labels and begin giving each other a chance as people and respect them as such then the world will be a better place with less seperation and negative treatment because of our differences.


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