
Dreams in Foreign Languages

Some people think it's impossible for people to dream in a language other than the one that is native to them I'd like to argue that it is very possible; very rare but very possible. I had the opportunity to hear a discussion on such a topic today and unfortunately I did not have the chance to share my view point on such a personal and sensitive topic to me.

I want to enlighten everyone to not assume you know what goes on in another persons head and think that is impossible for someone to do things that you can not.

I would like to admit that I've had dreams in Spanish before I became fluent. At the same time I have to admit that for the first 6 years of my life I was completely submerged in the hispanic culture so not only did I hear Spanish music, my relatives spoke it all day and they watched Spanish television programs and this exposure allowed my mind as a young child to retain all of that information.

I've also have had dreams in Japanese and in German. At the same time I have to admit in my waking day there is a level of exposure to these languages that I have. I enjoy watching Japanese anime's and I have been reading subtitles since I was fourteen. Therefore subconciously I have no idea what my mind has retained that allows me to dream in that language occassionally.

I only know a few phrases and words in Japanes such as doomo Arigatto (Thank You with doomo in front of Arigatto it means Thank you very much), Ogenki des-u-ka (How are you), Oname-wa (what's your name), Eggo ga deki-mas-u-ka (Do you speak English) and Eggo ga dekiru hito wa imaska (does anyone here speak English) to name a few.  I don't know German either but they have some rocking music.. Du hask is my favorite and if I listen to German music long enough I will dream in that language.

All I am saying is depending on what you expose yourself to in your waking day your mind will recipricate it and do it's best to process it in on a subconcious level; languages as well.

Additionally I'd like to add some cultures believe in reincarnation and if you were here before, subconciously, it is possible to revisit the echos of the past.

Therefore if you have never subjected yourself to any language but yet you are dreaming in foreign languages you may want to consider the possibility that you were here before...Maybe, after all how would you ever truly know.

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