
Dead Beat Dads

The deadbeat dad concept is an ongoing social issue in America. There are many fathers out there who don't step up to the plate of fatherhood financially, morally and even physically.

Luke, I am your father!
If you are sitting at your screen wondering what a deadbeat dad is then you are very lucky. For those of you who don't know what a Dead Beat Dad is it's a father who abandons, neglects and don't provide any support to their children. Some of these men have 4 and 5 children or more with multiple women and they don't provide support to any of them. These are the men who won't work legally because their child support will get taken out of their check like a tax. They usually act like they don't care for their own off spring and at times they really don't. Leaving many women to raise their children as a single parent.

My problem with Deadbeat Dads is that they get all the slack when there are some deadbeat moms out there. They do the same things as a deadbeat dad but for some reason theses deadbeat moms get over looked... why is that?

Women have kids and throw them on other people, give them up for adoption and some women who are not the custodial parent avoid working so they can avoid paying child support just like a deadbeat dad. How is this behavior any different from a Deadbeat dad? It isn't because these women are avoiding their responsibilities as a mother!

I feel the society is very slanted when it comes to this topic and should stop focusing on dedabeat dads and consider looking at and labeling it differently. In todays age we should be addressing the issue of deadbeat parents!

Deadbeat parents is not even a term inside a dictionary but luckily someone felt so passionately about this topic that they made a Wikipedia page for it!

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