
Baking Soda A Natural Cure

What I find hilarious about baking soda is that on the label it says for external use only, yet people are baking and cooking with it daily. What's even more amusing is that despite the label telling you it's for external use only and to keep out of reach of children people are unaware of the fact that this common household cleaning deodorizing product can be beneficial to your health. What?! Yes it's true.

There are many medicinal properties of baking soda from cures to cancer and it can even be a cold remedy; this cold remeby was very popular in the early 1900's.
My favorite remedy is that it fights against the flu, even the swine flu.

It's why I never get the flu shot. What the average person is, is misinformed and they will run out and buy things from these pharmaceutical companies and get injections mized with all sorts of things that are likely to keep you running to the doctor and pharamcies. The pharmaceutical companies are "big businesses" that aid the government in capital gain and not to mention that they don't have your health nor your best interests in mind. Keep in mind that they sell you things that get you addicted and will surpress your symptoms opposed to cure them.

Before you run to the pharmacy or to the doctor do some research of your own and you'll be amazed by all of the natural cures sitting right in your hous that don't cost a fortune. If you won't or don't want to research then check out the book Natural Cures They (the government) Don't Want You To Know About!


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