
Sarah's Grammar Tips: Where, We're and Were

In this blog I'd like to address the issue people have when writing the words where, we're and were. Where and we're do sound the same but are pronounce differently from were despite the vere similar lettering. I'd like to give you all my simple tricks at differentiating between the two.

Where is specific to an unspecified location. There is a hint in the word because it has the word HERE in it. If you are not sure when to use where try to remember that it is relevant to location. Where is it? It is HERE. wHERE is my toy? it is HERE. The root word in where is here.

The word we're is missing a letter, it's easy to remember how to use this correctly in a sentence if you are aware of how to use and apostraphe. We and are are brought together to form the word we're by the apostraphe mark which removes the letter A from the are. We're about to leave as in we are about to leave. It's specific to an action and what a group of people are doing, being and so forth.

Were is the fun one of the three and is confusing to people simply because of its lettering. Were simply refers to a plural past tense of the word are and it is not specific to the word we but can be use for they and other plural words as well. They were about to go. We were laughing yesterday. The Boys were enjoying the show. The cats were meowing. One mistake few make when they know it is a past tense for are so they often write he were or she were and this is incorrect and grammtically wrong because he and she are singular forms and should be paired with the singular past tense of are wich is was.

I hope these tips come in handy on your next writing adventure.

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