
Don't Let Others Stop You From Going

The sad reality is that many people don't go to church because they feel as though the people there will be judgemental and ridicule them; often times this is true. Others don't go because they feel comfortable worshiping from their homes and they have every right to.

I was a church TV person. My mother used to watch Frederick K.C Price every Sunday and there I was along side her. After a while I began selecting my own televised ministers and over time I came to favor Joel Olsteen, because his messages, in my opinion are very uplifting and encouraging.

Then I started getting invites to various churches, one being to the Kingdom Hall, Jehovah's church and it was nice but it felt as if they were damming everyone for enjoying life for things like music listening and even laughing... I didn't return.

Then I started receiving other invites to other kinds of faiths and either the person who invited me would gossip about me and ridicule me with the insiders of that faith or the people their would gawk at me because I was an outsider and a "sinner" in their eyes. (I thought only God could judge me though.... To me the word "sinner" is just another label like Christianity, but that's a blog of a different topic.)

I decided to stay home and then after some time I met a really nice woman, older than myself and a Deacon of a church. She was kind enough to invite me to visit her congregation. I have been visiting ever since and to be honest it's not that bad, it's like finding a shoe that fits.

If anyone is in there bashing me I wouldn't know because I'm not there looking for acceptance nor judgement from another. Then I had to think about it even if they are gossiping about me and judging me it's okay because I have faced that kind of treatment in some way or form outside of the church. So why should I let this behavior stop me from going when I see it regularly??? I shouldn't and neither should you.

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