

We all have goals, dreams and desires that we wish to see fulfilled. For many of us our dreams or goals take time, hard work and dedication. Once we as humans accomplish what we want or get what we desire, we feel emotionally happy and pleased in response to the goal or dream that has been fulfilled. This feeling is known as gratitude and there are several kinds of gratification one can exhibit. Each kind of gratification shapes and molds a persons behavior and attitude in relation to self control, impulsive behavior, their level of patience and will power.

Many individuals want things out of life but they don't want to work hard to get it or devote the amount of time necessary to acquire it. Some people expect to have things handed to them on a silver platter or
worse; they expect to have them instantly because they don't have or
are lacking the ability to wait. It's a personality flaw and in psychology
it's referred to as instant gratification.

Instant gratification is a psychological concept referring to the notion that people want what they want RIGHT NOW and do not want to wait for it. Those who exhibit the inability to wait usually have poor impulse control and at times are used to living the fast life. If we think about it, nearly everything in life has a fast forward button on it, from our food to education; people are now earning 2 year degrees in 15-18 month programs.

When an individual can wait for their outcome in a healthy way and display positive behavior and strong will power it is a healthier form of gratification. This gratification is the good kind and in psychology is known as deferred or delayed gratification. Deferred gratification is a persons ability to exhibit a degree of patience and wait for their desires to become fulfilled.

It would do us all a justice if we learned to accept the fact that great things take time. Having a little patience goes a long way. All great things in life took time to occur, gain and be developed; after all Rome was not built in a day!

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