
Getting Ready to Go Back to School

School is right around the corner and will be starting in the next two weeks. Children will be getting their school supplies and their minds in gear for school. After a summer vacation full of fun and games their is actually a little unwinding that should be done and some brushing up before sending our little geniuses back to school.

Sleep Time Adjustment
In a lot of cases those little ones have been staying up later than usual and waking up much later than school calls for. Many parents make the classic mistake of changing their elementary school-aged child's sleeping schedule on the first day of school. Not only will the child take hours to fall asleep but they will be tired in the morning and at school for the first couple of weeks. Now is the perfect time to start getting their bodies back on track by sending them to bed at a decent time and waking them up early mornings.

Hitting The Books
All summer long parents should be giving their elementary school aged children small activities to help maintain their school levels. Many schools give their students work books to take home to help maintain their levels from the prior year. If it's possible all summer long your child should be doing activities in these workbooks.

Homework Time
If your child has been in day camp or engaging in summer activities that may have shortened or prevented  your son or daughter from studying daily then now is the perfect time to incorporate some homework time into their routine. Every night have them read a book, do some math, write a story or some vocabulary words to help prepare your child for the homework assignments they will be getting come September when they head back to school.

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