As I've gotten older I can't help but notice that too many women in relationships swear up and down that every single female wants their man. I can understand that some women are insecure and that some men are just dogs who flirt and help trigger these feelings in their women; these men lack a degree of censorship. I think it's cute when appropriate, but most of the time, women who act like other women want their man, and who get vocally or physically aggressive over him with other women usually have a man that's not even treating her good. I mean he's giving her the type of treatment that makes you want to tell her, "listen girl if he is cheating you should be glad cause now you can easily give away the headache he brings."
They be making threats. |
Some women in relationships go around bullying other women about their man because they usually are being bullied by him every night. The thing they do that urks me the most is that they typically choose a good friend or close relative to start accusing of wanting or pursuing their man. It's always someone who knows of the mistreatment she's getting that gets accused of wanting this "so called" man. It often gets to the point where they drive their own friends and relatives away with such accusations. Then when you combat them by stating the obvious you are wrong or being hurtful. The minute you say things like:
- "Don't nobody want your man. I'm shocked that you even want him."
- "Honey, please I watch him beat on you enough to not want to try."
- "Don't nobody want your ugly ass dude. He looks like a monkey with a sweater on."
- "EWE I don't even like your man. Not only does he look like a bulldog, but he's always dogging you, why would I even want that.
- "I get better treatment from my friends than you get from your man, why would I want him,you shouldn't even want him."
No matter how true, you are instantly the bad guy, a hater, trying to sabotage something or break them up if you say any of the above .
In reality you're thinking; um, no sweet heart, I'm not trying to sabotage your bull sh!t relationship. I'm simply tired and annoyed with the fact that you think that everyone wants him just because you want or have his silly ass. It's so bad now-a-days that you can't even be a single friend to a couple because too many females typically assume that every female is a hoe, interested in her man or that her man has no self respect or value for her.

Now the other thing they do that urks me TWICE as much as their accusations is that when they do indeed find out he did cheat or was cheating with a woman she never even knew, these women still stay with his lame ass......WHY? WHAT THE FXCK ARE YOU DOING? Not only have you been running around wrongly accusing people of wanting your silly ass man. He proves that your intuition was right, only pointed in the wrong direction but he doesn't get cut off like the people you cut off or made him cut off that DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but attempt to socialize with him. OMG, these women urk me.
You went around giving people a headache and even bullying other women because you assumed something and then when it has been proven to a degree to be true, you don't retaliate against him? This is why I'm single like a dollar bill, because there's only but so much bull sh!t I'm going to tolerate, so you and your silly ass man take your asses on
Cause you're urking me!!!
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