
Farewell and Good Bye Bad Habit.

Sometimes in life we go through things that we can't handle alone. So we develop crutches, habits, so to speak to help us cope and regroup. Some people become alcoholics, others get into some kind of drugs. Some people pick up habits that seem a bit more minor but are still detrimental to their health. Recently, I found myself dependent on these cigars called Black and Mild's... wood tip preferably. If I was nervous, anxious, sad or angry; I was running to this cigar for comfort. I'm not in a relationship and I've never been one to go around sharing my woes; need I remind you,my name is Dolo. ;o)
In short, I realized the impact this comfort was having on my health, and painfully I said good bye. Since writing helps me cope and express myself, I decided to write my habit off with a farewell poem and if or when ever I feel the urge or overwhelmed by life to smoke I read this farewell poem and then I write some more.

My Sweet Black and Mild
Although I adore you, I have to let you go.
I know we're good  friend's and you were always there for me when no one else was around.
You'd help me feel dizzy, silly and leave the ground.
But now you're hurting my chest.
Middleton's Black & Mild
You're making me cough,
I have brown Phlegm now.
At first I didn't see how,
but it's you my sweet black and mild.
I really thought that you'd be a permanent part of my every day style.
You helped me not be so wild.
I have to let you go
And just to be true, I'm already feeling blue.
I don't know what I'll do
When I feel alone, or sad
Or when the world outside makes me feel bad,
But in order for me to learn I have to lose this life brace,
No matter how much it burns
With much tenderness and grace
I must say good bye to you as I have many people and things that have hurt me in the past.
And I promised myself that if something or someone ever hurts me I won't let the pain last.
I'll always have the great memories we shared, these I know will last a while
So good bye and farewell to you, my sweet black and mild.

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