
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

It seems as though the bulk of the world is dependant on a reason or some reasoning behind avoiding a responsibility, situation, person or thing in general. In all actuality there is nothing stopping any of us from doing anything but OURSELVES.

Yes, I said it, in other words if you walk around having a reason to avoid your responsibilities, people or a situation then your reasoning isn't anything other than your own self stopping you from being productive in such cases.

The Main Excuses People Use Are:
  1. I'm Tired and I'm too busy: These are the lamest excuses because most of the time people don't need whatever they are asking the tired or busy person for right at that moment. Also these tired and too busy people could always make time, buy an energy drink, drink some coffee or make sure they get a good nights rest. Someone who really is not trying to avoid you, their responsibilities and such will say, I'm tired or busy right now but I can.... (whenever works for them.)
  2. I'm sick or not well: I think this is valid if someone is EXTREMELY ill or even handicapped in some way. I find that people with small cases of the sniffles and sneezes will pull the I'm sick or not well line when they want to get out of something. What they don't realize is there are some individuals who are physically disabled or have some serious medical issue like Aids, HIV or Cancer and chances are that they can and will... But your sniffles are stopping you... Okaaay
  3. I can't because (usually some B.S if the I can't isn't followed by numbers 1 and 2): What I have learned about the word can't is that it is a frame of mind. If you think you can't then you won't. (Let's not forget the little engine that could!) More so I've learned that the "I can't-ers are the people who won't even try.
  4. Ooops I forgot: Some people do have bad memories and I acknowledge that. How I have come to establish the people who forget by excuse are typically the ones who ALWAYS forget responsibilities or to do things that are irrelevant to them or for another but they ALWAYS remember to do other things, make appointments and such with NO REMINDERS.
  5. Just playing stupid: These people are the best ones I love because they either never know what you are talking about, didn't hear you when they aren't even deaf and my favorites are the ones who pretend to not know how to do ANYTHING.

 The sad thing is there are some people who use every excuse listed above on a daily basis and they don't even realize it. What's worse is they think they are paying theirself a favor by getting one over on another person withe these EXCUSES but in all actuality they are sabotaging their own lives.

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