
Double Talkers!

There is nothing more annoying than a person who double talks their self. They start off by saying one thing and then they contradict their original statement with another in one breath.

The times when it bothers me the most is when these double talkers are solid with their opinion up until the moment someone comes along and points out the flaw to their logic.

Sometimes when they change their minds it's because someone else's viewpoint was more appealing or educated than theirs. Now, almost immediately, they have an opposing view to what they were arguing so passionately about or for.

These double talkers never even give credit to the person who helped them change their view point. Most of the time when their views change they don't even realize it; or at least act like they don't. They get defensive when you point out that they have double talked and more so, they get more apprehensive and swear to the Earth's core that they have felt that way or had that idea the entire time.

Their reactions to be busted while double talking are more interesting when you record them and during the moments they're  in denial about double talking you play the recording as proof that they are double talking. They literally fly off the handle and start ranting and raving about privacy and being violated while never touching on the fact or acknowledging that they have been recorded in the double talking process.

The next time you want to have some fun secretly record a double talker while they are double talking and then present it to them at a later time and see what happens.

Happy Taping! LOL

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