
Dating A Cheaters Game

The sad thing is I don't think I will ever muster up enough courage to date again. It's not because of the relationship I had or anything. Most people wonder well then what's deterring her from dating? Well, to be honest, it's everything that occurred after my relationship, observations of other daters and the approach many people take to the concept of dating.
I have learned that just because you are "dating" someone they may not consider it a relationship and have other people that they are "dating" too; in other words YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE.

I do not and won't ever respect this one bit. I don't believe in the art of sharing intimate partners but I find too many of peers do. Then we wonder why the world is full of STD'S and such.(Condoms break!)

Now-a-days I have learned that if you are dating a guy who is constantly taking you out and treating you to things then he is expecting a sexual exchange at some point... Hold up the last I checked that was a form of prostituition, need I remind you all that love can't be brought and I know mine is definitely not for sale!!

I don't sleep with guys who pay for meals or buy me things because I strongly feel that this is a form of prostitution. Not to mention why would I consider it a favor when 1.)You asked me out and 2.) I can get it by my damn self!

Remember all those girls who sleep for burgers and materialistic goods on Maury and other talk shows? How is this ANY different? ITS NOT!!! You can lie to yourself if you want to but I won't lie to myself or anyone else for that matter. Now if you're a girl reading this who exhibits this behavior  and you're mad then you should be because I just let you know you're prostituting yourself, you hoe!

Besides that I don't RESPECT the concept of dating, not only is it a MIND GAME but I feel it is a CHEATERS GAME.

The minute you catch someone you're "dating" with another male or female the first thing they say is "We are not in a relationship." or simply "We are just dating." My favorite part of this is they go on to tell you that your behavior is out of line!

My question is why in the hell do you expect to sleep with a person you are not seriously thinking of committing to? With sex comes feelings, unless you're a complete jerk, male or female!

I don't and I know not to trust men who try to take me on a date; let alone those who take me out repeatedly and never ask me for a REAL COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP!

If I find myself hanging with a male I typically offer to pay my side of the bill to avoid any confusion. Also to let them know that I can take myself out if I really want to.
Not to mention that I'm not looking at this as a favor so you shouldn't be expecting any favors either. To be honest I don't consider the act of sex a kind  of favor anyway!

I'd also like to point out that I don't like to be touchy feely with guys who I barely know. When you are on a date with a man he expects you to be all loose, even if it is date #1... Why would I be this way when you're not my man yet??? STOP IT Puh-Lease!

Dating is an easy attempt for BOTH MEN and WOMEN to get the goods and keep it moving. So I ask why would I subject myself to such heartache when I have enough of my own heartaches to deal with???
I won't....Good thing I am not a follower because then I'd be as screwed up as everyone else!

I won't say that there are no real gentlemen or any good guys around but I will say that too many girls GIVE OUT THEIR PIES TO EASILY. Not only have they made standards VERY LOW but now all these guys expect every girl to be that way; EASY and SLEAZY.

Everyone wants instant gratification and nobody wants a relationship. I do not operate like this therefore I'd much rather not deal with the headache of "dating". It's nice to know that guys want to sleep with me, but I'd much rather be with one guy who is in a relationship with me and ONLY ME! It tells me that he not only respects me but he respects himself as well!

I guess I'll be alone for sometime because I'm not thirsty and at this point in my life I know and feel that "DATING" is beneath me... So the dating world will just have to let me be me.

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