All of the online gaming today leads to social interactions over various gaming consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for example. People are not only gaming with each other but they are communicating with one another in various ways via these consoles. Some people buy mics so they can easily and verbally communicate with fellow gamers. Other people prefer buying keyboards and typing manually on the virtual keyboard embeded within the consoles; let's not forget that some of the console typers are little kids whose caring parents won't buy them a mic.

Things You Shouldn't Do On ANY Mic:
1) Burping, chewing, coughing, sneezing and farting.
- Yes I said it... Common sense right? Well, unfortunately I don't think it is because my ears have been a victim to these noises or sound effects if you will. Usually, if it continues for a prolonged amount of time all gamers know that eventually that person who seems to be performing obnoxious noises on their mic will get theirselves blocked or worse; no one willl want to play, talk or even see them because eventually they will have a bad rep. Please do yourself and every one who is gaming with you a favor and simply mute the mic when you think you are having a PERSONAL moment.
2) Blowing hard into the mic or breathing heavy
-Not only is it annoying but it hurts at times. Just for clarity I'd like to tell you that I'm not talking about people who breath heavy between words or your typical asthmatics; I'm refferring to those individuals who go to rooms or lobbies and INTENTIONALLY blow hard into the mic or make horrific breathing sounds like Darth Vador for no reason. Seriously, must you? The worst part is they never say anything! Please don't do this; have just a little consideration
3)Loud music/noise in the background
-This one may seem like another no brainer but all too often you have these gamers who enter lobbies and ACTUAL Game sessions and they have music blasting in the background. The most annoying part is that they join Co-op games (games where you NEED Teamwork to play and MUST hear and communicate with the other players.) and attempt to run around ragged in these sessions without communicating with the other players and disrupting the other players ability to communicate with each other.
Things You Shouldn't Do While chatting on PlayStation HOME:
1) Respond to people who are not typing or chatting with you directly.
- Accidents do happen but I am talking about those lonely people who rudely interject into other people's conversations.
-People have to sell things but home is not the platform to do so. SONY does not even advertise through the chat, why should you? If you do, why
3)Trolling on Playstation Home
-To those non-gamers out there Trolling is a term people use on playstation Home when someone is harrassing another in ridiculous ways. People will approach other gamers, typically people they don't know, and harrass them by telling them they smell, talking about their relatives and even just bashing another gamers avatar simply because its appearance.
Things You Shouldn't Do While Private Messaging
1) Private messaging people you don't know... need I say more
2)Perverted private messages to the pretty ladies or pretty avatars... As I have stated in the past ettiquette blog home and 360 are not dating services, not to mention that the pretty avatar could be a man in real life.
If you avoid the behavior highlighted then you will improve the gaming experience for yourself and everyone around you. Please show some ettiquette on your next gaming session.
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