
Pick Up Lines No Man Should Ever Use

Not only do most pick up lines not work,they are a turnoff for most women. The worse part about pick up lines is that they are subject to creativity and some guys get creative in the worst ways. There is no use in trying to pick up a girl you don't know with out asking her for her name first. Most pick up lines never even start off with what's your name, and I never understood that. Most guys are quick to ask for a girls' number; what's the use of having her number and you don't know her name, jackal? Some of them are expecting to get on the phone and say hey honey or shorty? Sometimes just being casual and less inventive with your approach is the best approach. I like the way the late Luther Vandross put it; "Excuse me miss, what's your name? Where are you from and possibly, can I take you out tonight?... See how his simple approach will get more than her name and it will strike a conversateion which will make her feel appreciated and not targeted.
Some men are using horrific pick up lines and they don't even know that they are horrific. Some things you just want to stay away from when you are trying to pick a girl up. below are some dreadful pick up lines that no man should ever get heard using and if you are using these lines then your game needs help A.S.A.P

If you see a Woman with kids You really shouldn't be trying to kick game to her, REALLY it's rude. Let's say that she is responsive to you then the following pick up lines won't work at all and they are beyond horrific and you won't walk away with her number.
1.Hey Ma...So whose kids you baby sitting? - They may be her kids and now you sound and look ridiculous
2. I'll help you babysit - Again they may be her kids or she is babysitting and now you are disturbing her while she is working
3.You too cute to have kids; Tell me they are not yours- They may be hers.Again you made yourself look ridiculous. Now she feels you don't like kids or maybe you don't date or take women with children seriously.
4.Can I be your next baby daddy- Hell no you can't; I still can't believe I even heard this one. It gives the impression that you just want to have sex and that you're a dead beat. It even warrants the message that you may have children all over the place.

If You see a woman with food or a drink you really don't want to use these horrible pick up lines
1. Can I get some of that? Where's mine at?- Now you sound like a begger and seem greedy
2. You didn't get me any?- She's going to rudely say NO and keep walking or just ignore you cus again you're sounding ridiculous especially because she doesn't even know you.
3. I'd like a bite out of that and then I'd like a bite out of you-Really this is cute but at the same time is grotesque because you're talking about biting her which is sexual and now she feels objectified. Great going guy.

If You see a woman with a dog or puppy, these are big NO-NO's

1. You're puppy is as cute as you- if you're saying this and you don't see where there's a problem then I can't help you, But don't compare women to animals no matter how cute the animal may seem.
2.Can you walk me too?- Sure if you're a dog and unfortunately too many men are so I'm sure you don't want to send that message.
3. I have some dog food I'll bring it to your place tonight- Now not only have you over stepped your boundaries by inviting yourself over but you look like you just want to get her alone.
4.If your dog licks me can I lick you?- Again you should not be sexual upon approach. If you are looking for a fly by then go with these but make sure you know and understand that

If You see a very attractive woman everything you don't want to say

1. Don't use the famous: Your feet must be hurting because you be running through my mind all day!
2.Wow, I'm speechless cus you got me thinking HARD with my lil head
3.Sound effects of ANY kind- it's rude and if she is classy and attractive you just made yourself look stupid and sound immature and before there's even an exchange you just confirmed to her that she is way out of your league.
4. Damn ma, where you been all my life- Now you sound like someone who likes giving girls a swallen head... She won't take you seriious

Guys, just keep it simple and be yourself because that's the only way to really bag a woman... But if you want a chick or a hood rat then throw these silly lines out there and see why you all keep getting the kinds of girls you are. When you start acting like a MAN then you will find a REAL WOMAN.
Good luck!


  1. I respect that opinion....men seriously need to grow up....would they want someone saying the same thing to their mother, sister, daughter, even grandmother. respect and sense goes along way....get some men.

    1. Thank You Orlando. You are right about that, it's nice to see some men out there understand the message here... It's all about respect. Great comment, keep them coming O.
