
Life Happens

Hey guys!!!!!!!
Guess who's back.....

Yes, you're favorite blogger ;0)

I am happy that there are those of you who continue to be loyal to my blog and my google+ despite the gaps in updates. I also want to emphasize a big thanks to those of you who have emailed me inquiring about future posts. I have to be real and say that life happens and sometimes life gets in the way of those things one may want to do because of those things that they have to do.
For a while I lacked having the free time and availability to tend to the internet or post blogs due to real world struggles. My living situation was all kinds of fxcked up and I ended up in a NYC shelter with my 3 children and the easiest way to navigate that system is by earning a "countable income". Blogging and performing in comedy shows do not count as "countable income", that is a form of self employment and that does not qualify as real work to people running the shelters in NYC. I had to go and get a job breaking my back sometimes doing more than 40 hours a week and unfortunately, I was making less money than I was making delving in the arts.

During this time I found out who really was there for me and pretty much my 3 kids were there for me and several relatives. I grew closer to an old class mate from a bar-tendering school I graduated from during 2015, an ex-coworker became a good friend, I made a really nice connection with a few of the decent shelter residents who lived in the same building as me. Even my children's father started being kinder to me. I am very grateful for the few people who were there for me during such a strenuous time in my life.

Despite the fact that there were several people at this dark time in my life who were there being morally supportive. There were other people who were doing their best to make my life go pitch-black. Fake friends disassociated their self from me. I was taken advantage of by a guy I went to high school with and had a co-worker pretend that he wanted to be with me because, I guess he had a hero complex only to later find out that he had a girlfriend the entire time he was attempting to pursue me. Now it makes sense why he cold cut me off when things got serious.

Maybe She wasn't feeling secure
I was even insulted by a fellow comic because I disclosed to her that I could not be supportive because of my situation but it would be nice if she would act like a friend and ask how I'm doing from time to time. This lady starts talking about how its not her fault I'm in the shelter and why should she care. To be honest with you I didn't even read the rest of her bull shit message because that was a very harsh, cold and all around fxcked up way to respond to someone already dealing with hardships. All I was trying to do was let her stuck up, snotty, heartless, mean ass know that at this point in my life I can't be that supportive because me and my children are in the shelter. Oddly enough that message in her head morphed into me saying it was her fault we were there and all I did was inform her of my living situation. I felt like all her silly requests to come here and go there was over whelming for me and because I was attending her shows prior to this, I'm thinking she'll understand why I'm not going to her shows. Now, I want to highlight the fact that this female has NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, NEVER done a thing for me. Like, I NEVER EVEN asked this ruthless lady for a damn thing, not even to come to one of MY shows!!! She never did a damn thing for my kids either; never even met them, so that right there should have let me know she was never a true friend. I don't know what kind of  drugs she was taking to feel that she had to state that. Plus this is someone who is a nasty drunk, I don't even drink so why am I even talking to you're alcoholic ass; maybe she was drunk when she responded because alcoholics be abusive like that. Either way I blocked her and held my head up high and kept it moving. I don't need that type of heartless, cold person in my life. Like she didn't even ask how my kids were... Anyway, what goes around comes around, it's called Karma, Namaste that because for someone always posting that she surely does not understand the concept of Karma. And if she just so happens to read this and feels like she did nothing wrong, well you don't kick a horse when it's down; but know this lady, when we fall down, WE GET UP, and now I'm standing and walking, and soon I'll be running.

I must admit that when that happen I was disappointed and insulted because I actually thought she was a friend of mine. When I received those messages I had the realization that she was never a friend of mine, she just was another phony fake ass bxtch in my life using me to make her look good because I'd go to her shows making her seem like she has a following. Well, now I'll never go to another one of her shows and if we end up in the same line up and they cal you first I'll make sure to go to the restroom and listen to some music because cruel, evil bxtches like that don't exist to me and I'm not paying them any attention.

I chose to share this with you, my readers because I can only imagine what some of you may be experiencing in your life and possibly by yourself, surrounded by people who are kicking you when you're down when all you need is compassion and a true friend. In case your wondering, no, I am not ashamed nor embarrassed of this experience at all because it has helped me grow immensely as person. The experience has made me stronger and now allows me to understand life situations I would not have thought twice about before. I know now that people you least expect to come at you sideways will be the first to kick you when your down. I have also learned a lot about people from all walks of life that I never knew. The best part of it all is now my life is returning to normal besides that; it all makes for good content.

Always see the plus side.

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