
MTA: Things That Urk Me

At this point in time,and after another fare increase I am going to officially say that I strongly believe that MTA is New York Cities biggest legal crooks. I feel that they are guilty of all kinds of blue collar crimes, but it's hard to prove especially because New York is knee deep in corruption. I'm sure that the MTA can pay off any part of the government they wanted to.
Some of you are reading this thinking what madness is this; it costs Hundreds of Millions of dollars to run the system, yes it does but they're making billions and I'd dare say they make trillions of dollars. Additionally, I want to point out that we are not even considering all of the money that the machines eat that is not fully refunded.

Let me explain this in clarity. Let's say we are in the MTA buying a twenty dollar metro card from the machine. The machine sucks the money in and gives us an error receipt. Now your metro card is still empty. When you go to the token booth clerk, that's IF YOUR LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE IN A STATION WHERE THERE IS A CLERK, they give you an envelope to mail into their bull shit claims department that usually only refunds you with a full fare metro card regardless of the amount of money you lost in the machine. Now let's do some unclaimed money budgeting for the MTA:

Using only twenty dollar purchases (because we all know that some purchases are larger than twenty dollars) 20.00 bucks gets sucked into the machine and the machine malfunctions not filling the card. I approach the booth for a card and/or a refund and they give me a silly envelope and a courtesy ride, (courtesy rides are when the token booth clerk lets you on due to an issue with your metro card) I get home and I report this and in response to my claim, months later in the mail I get a full fare metro card, currently valued at 5.50. That means the MTA just profited 14.50 of uncounted money. Now let's pretend this happens to 10,000 people throughout the 5 boroughs on a weekly basis. 14.50 dollars X 10,000 people = 145,000 dollars a week in money that is eaten by the machines and not credited to anybodies metro card. Now annually 145,000 dollars X 52 weeks = 7,540,000 dollars a year from twenty dollar bills that were not FULLY refunded.

Issued to customers from MTA clerks when money is lost to machines
Now imagine what percentage of people that lose money to these machines and don't even bother with their silly envelopes. Let's say there's 3,500 people who experience a twenty dollar loss to the MTA machine and they decide to not file a claim. 20.00 dollars X 3,500

people = 70,000 dollars a week from people not filing claims earned by the MTA for no service at all.

Honestly, I imagine that the numbers are much larger because there's easily a hundred-million commuters on a weekly basis on the MTA. Their machines are often malfunctioning and eating people's money. Now where do you think this money goes?...................................................................... INTO SOMEBODIES POCKET OF COURSE.

When you start looking at these little mishaps and how they add up you start to see how the MTA rips off it's passengers on a daily basis and they get away with it each and everyday. MInd you didn't they just raise their fares??????

 They'll stop when people ban together and boycott, which too be honest won't happen because there is a huge diverse group of people who all have a different view of how these things should be handled and if they can even be addressed.

The answer for me, get a car and fuck the MTA. I'll be dammed if I eventually am paying 3.00 for a one way ticket to ride in garbage, with roaches, rats and stink ass bums. Just saying.

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