
Fitness, Excerxise and Diet

With all the craze over obesity and removing products that are unhealthy to the public, making packages smaller and counting calories on menu's it seems the media and the government are forgetting to promote the most important things. The value and education of fitness, excercise and diet are poorly neglected.

Instead of controlling people's diets through shrinking products a better tactic will be to educate people on the unhealthy foods they are eating, how it is harming them and further more encouraging people to be fit through the excercise they do. Once people are aware and enlightened they will value fitness, excercising and they will be more concious of the food they eat.

The way you eat will impact the physical shape you take no matter how much you work out, if you're not eating well it will manifest physically. If more people viewed their diet for exactly what it is then it will be easier for them to replace and substitue their unhealthy eating with healthier foods.

A diet is simply the way you eat. For some reason people believe it is the removal of foods and this is a false preconception and one of the reasons why it is difficult for people to diet. A diet can include the removal of things but if we start viewing diets simply as the way you are eating it will be alot easier to stick with the changes you make as you won't feel restricted or as though you are missing out on something
you shouldn't be eating anyway.

Yes, there are many commercials about gyms like Planet Fitness, Bally's and Lucille Roberts but the reality is most people join these gyms and drop them. They feel they are waisting their money and time because they join assuming working out will remove the excess weight they have. After sevral weeks or months with no results they become discouraged and throw in the belt. The thing they are unaware of is it takes more than just excercise to reach and maintain a decent BMI
(Body Mass Index).

Need I go on to the endless diet commercials and products on the shelf that aren't effective? Most  of these products don't do what they claim simply because people will keep buying them because they believe at some point the product will do what is commercialized. Most people don't know that there are addictive substances in these products as well as hormones to keep you big. Why are there no commercials on vegetables and fruits because they more accurately help people lose and maintain a healthy body weight?

The best way to lose weight is to replace a big portion of what you are eating with fruits and vegetables and work out daily then you will begin to see a change. Once people value fitness, excercise and the way they eat then the obesity rates will decrease; besides you can't force something on people they don't care about.

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