
Visiting Physics: The Law of Vibrations

I noticed when dealing with certain things there's a point of a challenge. Sometimes it hurts but you respond to the challenge in full force; challenge accepted =0)

I typically am interested to the science behind things and the philosophy to things. Due to that, I have explored things most people ignore. I spend enough time in solitude, being still, that I am intensely intuitive; be it that I am a female or Cancerian, I realize that I am. I have become receptive to things with my intuition, coupled with solitude and a knowledge of things that people aren't aware of, don't take seriously or simply don't pay attention to.  I could be on the phone and see my friends... I could tell them what they're wearing. I could be at home and sense that someone is thinking of me; I'll call them and ask what they need and they typically respond with nothing I was just thinking about you. I respond with I know. There are other people who think of me too, I just can't reach them but I'm aware. Some of them are reading these lines knowing I'm speaking of them. If I'm really still and quiet I can tune into conversations referencing my name.

I want to pause and inform you that I'm no different than anyone. The reason for these experiences, I believe is first and foremost because of GOD. Secondly, because I understand the laws of his universe, not because I read about it but I asked about it and for clarity. In short I understand some of these laws that most people don't even know exist. This blog post is going to focus on the Law of Vibration, however many of you may be familiar with the Law of Attraction and wonder why it does not work for you... Well did you know there are 20 universal laws... Now if you have been trying to attract things just know you missed a step in acquiring the necessary wisdom to decipher, utilize and crack that universal law. The Law of Attraction is fueled by the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything is constantly moving and vibrating generating frequencies of both high and low. It further states that everything is made of energy and never rests. When there is a pause in movement it is considered a period of transformation. The vibrations we omit make us connected to, and CAN connect us to people who are vibrating on the same frequency, or wave length if you will. The connections made come through the law of attraction, but its the vibration that puts you in alignment with those thing synonymous with you.

It does not matter if you do not know them. These frequencies connect us to people and things despite the distance or conscious familiarity. The Law of Vibrations refers to our existence on a molecular, or atomic level if you will. The best part of this law is it effects all avenues of life, especially love. Love is a light vibration and of a high frequency.

People who are operating on the same frequency can be receptive of each others needs. NAMES even have a vibration frequency. Usually when people are vibrating the same energy, or frequency harmoniously they can be receptive to each other. I would also like to point out that the 17th universal law is the Law Of Unconditional Love.

I tend to cross reference these things to my scripture for clarity and this is the step people miss. They tend to believe in these laws and misunderstand them because they are not seeking council from God. Simply stated apply these laws in the real world while continuously asking God for his guidance. Once you have the wisdom and willingness to be still and listen to him, you will be able to hear him, his messages and instructions. Allowing him to speak and move through you because you are operating on his frequency of love.

I chose to share this information because of a few recent experiences that I've had concerning someone I don't know well. I realize we are communicating indirectly, be it by accident or intention; it's happening. Then again nothing is by accident. I wish this individual wasn't so doubtful of God's magic in love. I also hope that one day they can admit that they can sense me in the same way I sense them and carry them everywhere I go. Deep down I know they do, but they lack the courage to ACT. I've done my part, so now it's back to my Art.

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