
Thank You 1000 Times: Give A Listen

I am writing to say thank you to everyone for the 1000 downloads on my broadcast (Too bad we can't see the actual plays, LOL) I am especially happy and grateful because, for me that means a lot.

Often times I am surrounded by people who don't listen to me. When they listen, it's unfortunate because now I'm misunderstood and now there's conflict. I've never been the best verbal communicator; I'm quick to write a letter or poem to communicate. 

I must admit though, this pod casting journey has been very encouraging and inspiring. Why? Well, because there was a time where I felt like I shouldn't be on Pod bean; let alone any other platform speaking because I am not a great public speaker. Apparently, some people think I have an accent, and talk fast and mumble at times. Despite the struggles that I face verbally conveying messages, something is working. People understand, the messages and jokes are registering and that makes me happy. =0)

I also want to take a moment to highlight the fact that people in general don't make good listeners. People don't listen to God, the people they love the most, family or friends surrounding them. I find it fascinating that people are taking the time to give a listen to my very raw, yet satire based comedic broadcast. I feel like I am being guided to speak to some people through the broadcast; I appreciate everyone who reaches out to me 1000 times  ( You get it?! LOL) I encourage you, reach out to me, I don't bite even if it sound like I do. (0=

There is a great degree of sadness, loneliness and madness in the world and we won't combat these things one bit if we don't ring true. That's why I speak from my heart; how I feel and what I think and I don't aim to be offensive or insulting. My goal is to stand corrected, to learn about things or people I don't know much about; so if you give a listen and feel offended reach out to me, don't bash me or tune out. Let's discuss it; how would any of us grow when we don't even know what has to be corrected?

AGAIN 1000 times a thank you to all my friends and listeners.
Let's grow together.
