
Reveal Your Real Self: Some More on Beauty

I decide to post this message for every woman in America, or on the planet that lives in a society that does not appreciate people for their true self. My social media platform of choice is Instagram. Lately, as I am on Instagram, I've been noticing several post from women whose pages reflect an image of something people would much rather see than who these women truly are.

These women go out of their way to look as glorious as a super model. They paint their faces in masks and then the makeup is not enough. After they are all glammed up they use applications to edit and further perfect an image that suits the world.

I've never really thought twice about the painted faces; I just figured beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to each their own. However, as I scrolled through these "glamour girl" accounts I noticed several "cries for help" so to speak.

One woman a few weeks ago posted that she is not beautiful all the time and revealed her unpainted face in a collage that was surrounded by acceptably beautiful photos of her wearing make-up. I admired her for her bravery as she admitted that there is a drastic difference. At the same time I didn't appreciate that she stated that she is not pretty. I thought she was just fine without her make-up.

Another woman, much younger than the one I just mentioned, had a post about Face tunes and how she isn't going to use the APP any longer. I felt so touched by her post that I spoke about it on my broadcast. I informed her about the broadcast because something told me she needed to hear it. She messaged me back saying she cried... I wanted to cry when I made the post because there are very beautiful women out here being treated UGLY. We are under appreciated by society and most of the people in it. I can stand strong against it, but I realize there are some women who can't, so they conform to the societal ways not realizing that it's going to eat them up inside. 

You would think they are happy, but they are not. They have insecurities, they are sad and some of these women would NEVER, EVER DARE step out their rooms or homes without make up. Inside they feel ugly and they cry because of it. Little do they know they are the worlds truest beauties.

Ladies, I hope we all learn to reveal our true selves; embrace it and love it to the point where no matter what, or who doesn't like you or your beauty, you'll love it so much that you won't conceal the real you. 


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