
A Closer Look At I Have A Dream: Honoring MLK

 Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I noticed that too many people don't know the I Have A Dream Speech in its entirety. I realize that is why people are content with conditions as they are. Why? Because people are comfortable and feel like they are living his dream based off of the last 5 minutes of his very powerful, lengthy speech.

When you take a closer look at his speech you will see that he talks about voting, he talks about important governmental documentation yet for some reason people aren't voting and are completely blind to the information that these documents contain referring to our freedom as a whole.



I find it interesting that people who say and feel like we are living his dream aren't even aware of anything he says prior to the poetic portion of his speech, which is the last 5 minutes of a speech that was like 30 minutes long. Ask your self why don't they play it in full... because you'll be inclined to pay attention to politics and more people of color would vote.

He references how Negroes in NY felt like they don't have a reason to vote and as long as this continues we should not be satisfied. Well, too many of ya'll are satisfied not voting or caring about politics and too many people of color feel like they have no reason to vote... That doesn't sound like his dream when you look at it in full. 
How would you know if the government
decides to ignore the constitution and you don't
know what is in the constitution? 
Too many of us don't care about these politics and wonder why we face the conditions we face and the government doesn't do a thing. "When the architects of our Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they we're signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir" ...  He continues further on "Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ''insufficient funds.'' What's he saying there, sounds like we should be paying attention to the government because they aren't following their own by laws created by the countries founding fathers and they will start gypping people who aren't aware of what information is in these documents. 

I say this to say don't accept the status quo dig deeper for the truth and you will see how we are miles and miles from hitting the target of his ENTIRE vision. Let's promote peace the way he did, but you must know that in order to do that we have to know the politics because the governments are the first ones to destroy and disrupt the peace. 

Below Is A Poem I Wrote To The Late Yet Great MLK:

A Few Words For A King
Dear Mr. King, I think you did an amazing thing
Touching people with the messages the way you did
Speaking to people regardless of their race, class, gender or creed
Unfortunately these days’ important people forget that about you
It’s as though they don’t see the need
The need to connect with what’s different
To learn what’s different and these differences to embrace
The minute you’re something different you are labeled a disgrace
You could be a one of a kind that could never be replaced, yet you’re different and this is a disgrace.
People are afraid of the goverment
Tyranny Hidden In America
You Mr. King are a being that won’t ever be replaced
A one of a kind with so much grace
In masses people followed you like a sea of color
Now with you gone the government has been able to create disorder
The government doesn’t want people to do the things you have done
The minute someone speaks out the CIA and the FBI tracks them down with hidden guns
Now from the government people run
They hide,
They stop their journey before it has even begun
Oppressed we are and segregation continues
Yet people are distracted by all of the bright lights and shiny venues
They don’t realize we need to restore order
The sea of color is now distorted
Languages make communicating with the masses contorted
Many immigrants won’t embrace your sisters and brothers
Because when they enter they are lied to about us by another
They are told we are violent and criminals
The department of immigration discretely tells them to stay away from us in messages subliminal
Some of them don’t even know about you or other great black people like you
Making great speeches connecting with masses and different social classes
You did this at a time when people were segregated and were knee deep in division
You reached people in person and through the television
Now the government controls this vision to feed a great division
Now people run and they hide using their tunnel vision to drown out the truth
Although your birthday had been marked as a holiday people are forgetting the great things you’ve done
The assemblies, the rallies, the great marches
Without you the changes are no longer fun
The changes are created by cowards hiding in the shadow of the government and its lie of social betterment

Dear Mr. King, I think you did an amazing thing but only if you knew what changes the government would bring


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